2️Adding Items in Category

Click “ADD ITEM” to start adding your dishes.

Add new item

  • Item name: Enter the dish name.

  • Item Description: Enter the description of the dish.

  • Item Price: The item price. IMPORTANT! Enter the price without the currency symbol.

  • Item Image: The image. (960px x 640px max and JPEG format only. For the drinks, 350px x 200px max JPEG format)

After you add your first item, it will be added to your Menu.

Item Management

You can click on the item, which will take you to the item management page to edit the item and add more information.

  • Clone it: You duplicate the item.

  • Item Information

    • Item Name: The item name.

    • Category: In which category the item is placed.

    • Item Description: The description of the item.

    • Item Price: The price.

    • Discounted Price: Here, you can put a discount if you have a promotion. Enter the final price after the discount in this field.

    • VAT Percentage (Calculated into item price): The VAT on the item. It will be included in the total price.

    • Item Image: The image. (960 px x 720 px JPEG only)

  • Item available: If you are out of ingredients to make the dish, you can place it as unavailable.

  • Enable Variants: Switching the toggle will show you the “Variants” box to add the info. Click “Save” for the box to appear.

  • Enable System Variants: Missing variants will have the same price as the item.

    • Add Option: To add a variant, you must add an option.

      • Name: The name of the option (e.g. Size).

      • Comma-separated list of option values: Enter the options separated by comma (e.g. small,medium,large).

    • Add Variant: After you’ve added options, you can price each variant by itself and add multi-variant to one item.

      • Price: The price of the selected option.

      • Options: If you select an option from the dropdown menu, it will be added to the item as a variant.

    • Extras: Here, you can add the extras and their price.

    • Allergens: You can enter all the Allergens information of the item.

Done! You can continue adding all the items and customise them as you wish. After you finish, go to the next section, “Delivery Areas”.

Last updated